Quick start video

This quick start video quickly shows you the most commonly used options. After watching this short video you can quickly get started with the app.

Create a new workinstruction

To get off to a good start with the Work Instruction App, it is important that you first create a work instruction in the app. To create a work instruction you need a Manage subscription. Open the menu by pressing the hamburger icon in the upper right corner:

Then click on the Manage button in the menu:

Press the Add Workflow button:

You will then be given the option to create a work instruction. Give the workflow a good, clear name and add a description if necessary:

You can then add various steps to the standard operating procedure that explain the activities. In addition to providing work instructions, you also have the option to allow the user to enter data while carrying out the work instructions. This data can be used for further analysis.

Press the “Add step” button and select one of the possible steps:

Using the various steps, create a good workflow that describes the required work and collects the necessary data for conclusive tracking and tracing.

Then press the Save button to save the work instruction for further editing later. This version of the work instruction is then not yet available for execution.
When the work instruction is completely ready, you can press the Publish button to publish the workflow. The workflow is then available for all users to execute.

Execute a workinstruction

To execute a workflow you need an Execute subscription. To execute a work instruction, click on “Start workflow” or on “Favorites” to execute an instruction saved as a favorite.

Then select the work instruction you want to carry out:

And then go through the steps associated with this workflow. Fill in the requested information and when you are done, press “Save” to exit the workflow and save the entered data.

After executing the workflow you will return to the main menu and you can start the next workflow. When you press the “Completed workflows” button, you will see an overview of the work instructions recently executed on your device.

This allows you to quickly see what you have done in the past period.

Analyze the executed workinstructions

To analyze the executed workflows you need an Analyze subscription. For further analysis of all executed workflows, press the “Analyze” button in the main screen.

An overview of all recently executed work instructions will then appear. There is also an overview of the workflow definitions and you can see per workflow when they have been executed.

By clicking on a completed workflow you will get more detailed information about this workflow. This gives you insight into who carried out the work instructions and when. You will also see the data entered during the execution of the work instruction.