This is Frequently Asked Questions of the Work Instruction App. If you have a question please read this FAQ or contact support inside the app.

Getting started

Work instruction steps

A work instruction consists of several steps that are used to create a standard operating procedure. If you have a Manage subscription you have the option to create new work instructions. The following steps are available to add to a work instruction:

User input

  • Text
  • Text area
  • Number
  • Slider
  • Drawing / Signature
  • Date

Choice input

  • Radio button
  • Selection
  • Checkbox
  • Switch

Device input

  • Location
  • Barcode
  • Audio
  • Photo


  • HTML
  • Image
  • PDF
  • Youtube
  • Selection
  • Horizontal line

Other questions


How can I contact with the Work Instruction App team?

The Work Instruction App is created bij Industrial IT. You can get in touch with the team via the contact page. There you can ask all your questions that are not answered on this FAQ page.